About Us
The ONUS way!
There is nothing like the humble feeling of exhaustion to make you wish you had spent more time training. I can't tell you how many times I've eagerly awaited hunting season only to find out that I wasn't nearly as prepared as I should have been. Throwing that elk hind quarter in the pack and looking into the miles of wilderness I'm going to have to carry it through got me thinking "Why am I not training this way?" After every hunt my back is sore, my legs are toast, and my lungs are burnin'. Seems like a pretty good workout to me.
The armed forces live by the motto "Train as you fight," and have been using ruck marches as a form of physical training forever. Very little in that regard has changed. It still proves to be an amazing workout, a discipline builder and a cheap and effective way to get from point A to point B.
Instead of reinventing the wheel, we at ONUS decided to make that wheel better, more accessible and less damaging to our existing gear. When I first wanted to get into pack training, I couldn't find anything that didn't involve buying something to put into something else that you put into the something you need to use them all. So, we created our ONUS Training bags. Designed to use in the hunting or ruck pack you already own, these bags will allow you to adjust the weight as needed for your training level, and won't put unnecessary strain on your pack. The days of throwing a 45lb plate/dumbells/a big rock/or anything else in your pack that would stretch it out or beat it up are over.
We intentionally designed our bags to distribute the weight in a way that will keep your gear in better shape, your back in better shape, and your wallet in better shape. I've wasted tons of money on the cheap plastic bags of sand and rocks at the hardware store only for them to leak, break, crack and make a huge mess in and out of my pack.
The buck doesn't stop at training though:
When hunting season is over, snow is on the ground, and you're not training with it, throw it in the back of your truck as traction weight.
Empty it, rinse it out with the hose, and you've got a pretty sweet multi-purpose storage bag.
We stand behind our products. Every bag we make is designed, tested, and built right here in Idaho. If you ever have a problem with one of our bags, let us know and we will take care of it. We still believe in old fashioned customer service.
Are you a veteran or currently serve in the armed forces? Are you a first responder? THANK YOU! Our appreciation for what you do cannot be overstated. As part of our thanks, we offer you a discount on all of our products and will continue to do so as long as we are in business.
Take personal responsibility for your own health, fitness, and success.
That's the ONUS way!